Saturday, 11 April 2015

Aam Panna
(Throughout the year)


Mango Pulp 1 kg
Sugar 2 kg
Water 1 kg
Salt 60 gm
Black pepper 10 gm
Zera 25 gm
Pudina extract 4-5 Bunches
Lemons 5-7 nos


Wash and peel mangoes. Remove all the pulp. Cook the pulp with salt only. Keep aside to cool.

Wash pudina leaves, drain them and spread on a cloth.

Boil zera and pepper in 1/2 Lt of water for 10- 15 mins so that water becomes almost half. Churn this water and strain through muslin cloth.

Add remaining 1/2 kg water to this extract to make it 1 kg of water. 

Add pudina leaves to some of this water n churn. Now strain through muslin cloth.

Add sugar to the remaining water n bring it to boil, stir continuously. Blend mango pulp. 

Now we have pudina extract water, sugar syrup n mango pulp. Strain all the three through wire strainer and add lemon juice stir till completely mixed.

you can mix it in the liquidizer also.


It can last for 2-3 months if kept in the fridge.

For preserving it for an year mix 1 tsp of potassium meta-bi sulfate and store in sterilized glass bottles n air tight.

If preservative added do not open for 10-15 days.

Clean mango with clean cloth.

Add pudina leaves in boiling water.

Hope you like it.


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